K.C. Lancaster P.O. Box 33516 Northglenn, CO 80233 (303) 450-5012 As a professional freelance artist, I welcome correspondence and inquiries regarding commission work. My experience includes work in pen & ink, airbrush, watercolors, pastels, colored pencils, acrylics, and water-based oils. I also sell prints of my artwork and publications featuring my art. Companies I've been published by include Wizards of the Coast, Chaosium, Avalon Hill, Iron Crown Enterprises, Alderac Entertainment & 5 Rings Publishing, Mayfair Games, Goldrush & Hero Games, Task Force Games, Cloud Kingdom Games, Dancing Dragon catalog, Denver Gaming Society, Train Gamers Association, Black Dragon Press, CONJURE magazine, Precedence Publishing, Atlas/Trident Games, White Wolf Games, and many others. In addition to this list of published work, I've created artwork for many private individuals, both local and abroad; this work includes several murals. I try to hang artwork in as many art shows as possible, at science fiction conventions as well as in galleries. Articles about my work have been featured in various publications, including local newspapers. I'm a self-taught artist, mostly, never having had the money to learn artistic skills in college. My only formal schooling was a three-month gratis internship at the Communication Department at Colorado State University. My first professional contract came at the age of 17, through the National Art Honors Society. Since then, after working for over a decade of making copies for others, I've become a professional artist, relying almost entirely on proceeds from my artwork for support. I live with my beloved husband, Chris, in a small apartment overrun with art supplies, research material, and traditinal Japanese artwork. I divide my time between art, my husband, two dogs, writing and editing my novels and short stories, attempts at Bonsai, long-distance calls to my mother and sister in France, the occasional supplementary part-time job, and my friends... on the rare occasions I can actually make it out of the apartment.